

CAPES is a research agency of the Brazilian Ministry of Education. Its mission is to design public policies for the country strategical research activities. To achieve that it provides a number of funding mechanisms for graduate training and inter-institutional research projects.


CNPq is the Brazilian Federal Research Agency. Its mission is to fund public and private R&D activities on Science and Technology in the country. CNPq awards fellowships and research grants in all areas of human knowledge.


FAPESP is the research agency of the State of Sao Paulo. It was established in 1962, and its mission is to provide the State with an independent research support organization. To achieve its goals, FAPESP maintains regular and special programs of research grants and fellowships. The work at LSC is funded by FAPESP through a number of research grants and fellowship awards. Additionally, Several LSC members participate to the Center for Computing in Engineering & Sciences (CCES), a world-class multidisciplinary research Center dedicated to advanced scientific computing funded by FAPESP.

Petrobras is a Brazilian state-owned oil exploration, extraction, refining, transport and sale company. Petrobras, in a constant process of innovation for efficiency gains and the use of technologies applied to the business, is investing heavily in initiatives aimed at the so-called High-Performance Computing (HPC). Petrobras funds LSC through research projects related to HPC, parallel computing and machine learning.


Intel Corporation is the largest microprocessor manufacturer in the world, beeing responsible for the development of the first personal computer standard and many other electronic industry innovations. Intel funds LSC through the Intel lab, which is part of the Intel Wireless Competence Network.


Microsoft is the biggest software company in the world, known primary for its Windows Operating System which has specific versions to embedded systems. Microsoft has funded LSC through the project “Looking for New Instructions and Optimizations in Embedded Systems”.


UNICAMP (University of Campinas) was established in 1966, as a public university funded by the State of São Paulo. Its mission is to provide education and training, qualifying students to play a key role in the process of social development. A healthy balance between research and teaching, pure and applied science has made UNICAMP one of the most distinguished brazilian academic Institutions. UNICAMP contributes to the projects at LSC through its Fund for Support to Teaching, Research and Outreach Activities (FAEPEX).